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Ad Sample: Image USP

    Create an Image Ad

    • Copy the code below each sample by highlighting it and pressing CTRL-C
    • In the onTrackCRM editor, Click Source
    • Paste the code into the editor (make sure everything that was there has been deleted)
    • Replace the tone $site-url$ with your LeadGen website address $site-url$ is now replaced automatically.

    First Time Buyers

    <a href="http://$site-url$/redir.asp?T=$doc-id$&page=gc_firsttime.asp">
    <img src="http://i1145.photobucket.com/albums/o515/inetrealtyinc/iNet-Ads/ad_ftb.jpg"/></a>
    <br type="_moz" />

    Distressed Sales

    <a href="http://$site-url$/redir.asp?T=$doc-id$&page=gold_distress.asp">
    <img src="http://i1145.photobucket.com/albums/o515/inetrealtyinc/iNet-Ads/ad_distress.jpg"/></a>
    <br type="_moz" />

    Luxury Distressed Sales

    <a href="http://$site-url$/redir.asp?T=$doc-id$&amp;page=gold_distress.asp">
    <img src="http://i1145.photobucket.com/albums/o515/inetrealtyinc/iNet-Ads/ad_luxury.jpg"/></a>
    <br type="_moz" />

    Fixer Upper Deals

    <a href="http://$site-url$/redir.asp?T=$doc-id$&page=gold_distress.asp">
    <img src="http://i1145.photobucket.com/albums/o515/inetrealtyinc/iNet-Ads/ad_fixer.jpg" /></a>
    <br type="_moz" />


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